Monday, July 23, 2012

Winter sun...

Winter sun. Camelias and books. Lazy mornings spent lounging in florals. Cups of tea and love love love.

What's a megapixel?

Apologies for the lengthy delay between posts. Truth be told technology baffles me. My lap top is coming up to its fifth birthday, I hear that's pretty old in lap top land...(should I mention that for me it's number one selling point was that it was a lovely red colour?)
It's doing all kinds of weird things, there's warnings for this/troubleshooting for that..  It makes my head spin, I wouldn't know a gigabyte from a megapixel. Uploads, downloads, network sharing, wireless, bluetooth...oh gosh! To me it's another language. I'd rather personally hand write to to all of my Facebook friends then sit down and work out how to link up my Twitter account with my Instagram account (yes I Tweet now! Can someone please tell me about hashtags??) 
So please bare with me as I muddle my way through (feel free to throw advice at me, it will be much appreciated!)

Gemma Grace Xx