Sunday, June 17, 2012

A sweet small town Sunday.

I don't know about you but Oh my gosh I love Sundays! Not to take anything away from Saturdays they can be good too. To me though a Saturday can be likened to a date you're really looking forward to...You wait for it with great anticipation, counting down the days with excitement brewing in your belly then you wind up going somewhere you don't really want to go and doing something you don't really want to do... A trip to Woolworths followed by cleaning the bathroom anyone?? (a Saturday that is, not a date.) Sundays on the other hand can be simply luscious...

My love of Sundays probably also stems from the fact that I no longer have to work on them. A typical Sunday in Dublin involved me waking to the sound of St Patrick's Cathedrals bells. I lived beside it, which sounds romantic..but oh those bells!! At times they were just too much. (For a month or so I dated a lovely boy who was brought up with such a fear of God that he wouldn't so much as sit next to me on the couch when he heard those bells...) Anyway I digress, back to typical Dublin Sundays. They were not my finest. I'd wake bleary eyed after an hour or so sleep, stumble around trying to find an appropriate outfit whilst simultaneously trying not to wake my Brazilian room mate, step outside (generally into lashing rain), and make my way to the Luas (tram) stop. Upon arriving at the gorgeous little boutique I worked at I'd open up and wait the agonisingly long hour until my Sunday co-worker Miss C arrived, whereupon we'd gingerly sip on Butler's hot chocolates and compare stories from the night before... By 8pm I'd have perked myself up and be heading across the city to Parnell street for pints and live music at an Aussie bar. It's surprising how patriotic you become whilst living overseas. Would I down Foster's and watch football matches in pubs here? Never. But my time in Dublin was a different story.

The Sunday's I have now differ greatly from those Dublin Sundays. (I miss Dublin like crazy, the hangovers not so much). Today was lovely, a sweet small town Sunday. No hangover. I was in bed by 11 last night, must be getting old. My day consisted of a quaint market at the local art gallery, tea and scones with a wonderful friend, lunch with my Mr and now dinner with the family. Bliss.

I hope you had a lovely Sunday too.

Gemma Grace Xx

Today I'm  all cosied up in my yummy new Morrison knit, worn over  EP by Easton Pearson dress, with my fave hat; bought at Sportsgirl years ago and black scarf from I can't remember where. The wallet is Arlington Milne (it recently caught on fire at a friends birthday dinner and now has a big hole in it. Sob!)


Gorgeous little locally made beads.
Lovely lavender out the front of the Gallery.

Stunning hats by local milliner Katie Sutton. Katie is super talented and dreams up and makes the most wonderful hats! 

Birthday pressie for my mum. Loved this antique bottle, it's actually a beer bottle from the 1880's. No beer today, just gorgeous yellow roses. Xx

1 comment:

  1. Your stories are so... Invigorating! Makes me want to travel and live with a Brazilian!
