Monday, July 22, 2013

Instagram Addict.

I just did this...

I ate my muesli, apple, honey, yoghurt, tahini, strawberry combo out of an old marmalade jar. Prior to devouring, I took a couple of snaps then promptly whacked them on Instagram for your viewing pleasure. I have, so it would seem, joined the hordes of hipsters who have turned their backs on the humble bowl…

Yes. Instagram. I won’t bore you with the Wikipedia definition. We all know what it is. Don’t sit there pretending you haven’t taken a sneaky snap of your morning latte, given it a funky filter, blurred the edges then posted it with a witty, original caption “Good morning world!”….

I’m not judging, not for a second. I am, in fact an Instagram addict. I hurtled headlong into the depths of this particular social networking phenomenon with an insatiable appetite for unnaturally coloured, blurred out images.

I’d love to touch more on the incessant need people have to document their lives through this particular medium but that’s for another day. I must run. I’m short on time. (There won’t be enough minutes to make the bed but there absolutely will be enough to Instagram a photo of my own two feet…)

Gemma Grace x


  1. Ummmm why were we not eating matching jars of breakfast on our balcony instagramming this?
