Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

I have a fervent wish to fly away mixed with an overwhelming desire to stay.

I grew up a small town girl, then at the tender age of 19 (and on a whim) I moved to the other side of the world. I promptly fell in love with an Irishman then just as promptly had my heart broken by said Irishman.
I made new friends. I partied. I cut all my hair off. I dated numerous unsuitable men. I drank cocktails in dingy, hot hostels in Paris. Danced in seedy nightclubs in Amsterdam. Basked in the beauty that is Dubrovnik. Fell head over heels in love with Barcelona. Sprained my ankle in Munich. Drank gin in London. Got ripped off in Rome, yelled at in Venice. I woke up on beaches in Greece and threw tomatoes and watched friends run from bulls in Spain. I became independent, I was completely free. Best of all I discovered my own creativity and my outlet for that became the incredible world that is fashion.

After a stint as a fashion student and intern in Sydney I now find myself back in my oh so familiar home town. I walk (no, dawdle..) down the street and pass a multitude of familiar faces. I watch movies in the heritage listed cinema where I once sat and giggled with my friends as a teenager. I take my little brother to feed ducks in the very same park that my Aunty once took me (they may even be the same ducks?...) I visit my grandparents in the same house that thay have always lived in and help myself to oranges and lemons from the same old trees that have always been there.

Much to the amusement of my Sydney/Dublin/London based friends I am now a small town pageant princess, with a sparkly diamonte encrusted tiara and bright purple sash to prove it. I LOVE their remarks..."What the fuck?? Your town has a Queen AND a Princess?!! Is there a King and a Prince??!! Do I have to curtsy to you now that you're royalty? Tell me there's a bikini section!! Do you have to have a talent?? What's your talent? Yodelling?" Needless to say hysterical laughter always follows these outbursts.. (I am very happy to say that there is in fact no bikini section and no need to demonstrate a 'talent' although I will admit to wearing pantihose, knee length dresses and a string of pearls, which is a far cry from my usual wardrobe choices.)

And so that brings me back to this sleepy old town that I call home. While some days it's all I can muster not to get in my car and just keep driving till I hit a big city with bright lights, so much of my heart and soul is wrapped up in the place and for now my happiness most definately lies here.

This blog is a medium for me to share and explore the vast and everchanging fashion landscape. Whilst I am now very much an outsider to this world I was once so entrenched in I do continue to adore it from afar. (And I'm sure amusing snippets from life as a small town 'princess' are bound to creep in from time to time as well...)

Welcome to my blog.

Gemma Grace Xx